βš”οΈVulnerabilities and IOC

Find Vulnerability Data and Indicators of Compromise


  • MITRE CVE β€” A search engine, database, and widely accepted classifier of vulnerabilities.

  • NIST NVD β€” The official US government vulnerability database.

  • GitHub Advisory Database β€” A vulnerability database incorporating CVEs and security advisories.

  • CVEDetails, osv.dev, VulDB, maltiverse β€” Additional sources of data on vulnerabilities and indicators of compromise.

  • opencve.io β€” A CVE search engine with integrated alerts for new threats.

  • security.snyk.io ΠΈ Mend Vulnerability Database, Vulncode-DB β€” Open-source vulnerability databases.

  • Cloudvulndb β€” A project compiling vulnerabilities and security issues of cloud service providers.

  • Vulnerability Database β€” A system for searching information about current threats.

  • Rapid7 - DB β€” A database containing details of over 180 thousand vulnerabilities and 4 thousand exploits, with all exploits included in Metasploit.

  • Exploit DB β€” A CVE-compliant archive of publicly available exploits and vulnerable software.

  • sploitus β€” A search engine for exploits and hacking tools.


  • Prowl - Lupovis β€” Information gathering about IP address, top threats

  • ThreatMinor β€” ThreatMiner is a threat intelligence portal designed to enable analysts to research under a single interface.

Last updated