ποΈFile Upload Bypass
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When uploading a .php file;
When uploading a php file; You can upload the file to a different directory with lesser controls (a different directory that's not supposed to contain user-supplied files)
Before uploading a php file;
Servers also allow developers to create special configuration files within individual directories in order to override or add to one or more of the global settings.
Apache servers, for example, will load a directory-specific configuration from a file called .htaccess if one is present.
According to OWASP the following list can be used by penetration testers in order to bypass a variety of protections :
Try using the URL encoding (or double URL encoding) for dots, forward slashes, and backward slashes. If the value isn't decoded when validating the file extension, but is later decoded server-side, this can also allow you to upload malicious files that would otherwise be blocked: exploit%2Ephp
Try using multibyte unicode characters, which may be converted to null bytes and dots after unicode conversion or normalization. Sequences like xC0 x2E, xC4 xAE or xC0 xAE may be translated to x2E if the filename parsed as a UTF-8 string, but then converted to ASCII characters before being used in a path.
Content-Type β> Change the parameter in the request header using Burp, ZAP etc.
Put server executable extensions : .php5, .shtml, .asa, .cert
Changing letters to capital form : .aSp, .PHp3
Using trailing spaces and/or dots at the end of the filename like .asp.. . .... ... , .asp , .asp.
Use of semicolon after the forbidden extension and before the permitted extension : .asp;.jpg (Only in IIS 6 or prior)
Upload a file with 2 extensions β> file.php.jpg
Use of null characterβ> file.asp%00.jpg
Create a file with a forbidden extension β> file.asp:.jpg or file.asp::$data
ALSO : Combination of the above
In order to upload a php file where the file verification is done on the server side (checking if it is really a IMAGE file), we can disguise a php file as an image file.
When uploading a php file :
or, Generate a polyglot payload using exiftool :
File upload restrictions bypass by using different bug bounty techniques! Tool must be running with all its assets!