Configuration Audit

Configuration Audit of SCCM with best practices commented

PowerShell with Admin Priv

## Is the host a DC
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
Get-ADDomainController -Filter * | Select-Object HostName, IsGlobalCatalog

## Obtain SCCM's default security groups and check for unexpected changes
Get-ADGroup -Filter 'Name -like "SMS_SiteSystemToSiteServerConnection_*"' | ForEach-Object {
    Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $_

## Check ACLs of .PFX certificate files used by SCCM servers
Get-Acl -Path "path\of\the\certificate.pfx" | Format-List

# Get the RootKey
(Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\ccm\locationservices -Class TrustedRootKey).TrustedRootKey

SCCM's PowerShell

## Which CM Distribution Point is configured
(Get-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SMS\DP -Name ManagementPoints).ManagementPoints

## SCCM Share
net view \\sccm /all

## Collect the Site Configuration

## Obtain SCCM administrative users and their roles
Get-CMAdministrativeUser | Select-Object Name, RoleName
# or

## Retrieve infos about the management point configuration
### SslState : 0 not encrypted

## Collect the Distribution Point Configuration

## Presence of sensitive data in task sequences
$SensitiveKeywords = @(
$TaskSequences = Get-CMTaskSequence
foreach ($TS in $TaskSequences) {
    $TSName = $TS.Name
    $TSSteps = Get-CMTaskSequenceStep -TaskSequencePackage $TS.PackageID
    foreach ($Step in $TSSteps) {
        foreach ($Keyword in $SensitiveKeywords) {
            if ($Step.CommandLine -like "*$Keyword*") {
                Write-Output "Potential sensitive data (`"$Keyword`") found in Task Sequence: $TSName, Step: $($Step.StepName)"

## Use system-specific authorization for OSD
# Retrieve device collections with OSD task sequences deployed
### CollectionName : should reference a specific collection and not broad groups like "All Systems" to avoid unauthorized access
Get-CMTaskSequenceDeployment | Select-Object CollectionName, DeploymentID, PackageID

# Check PXE parameters on distribution points
### PxeSupport : 'True'
### PxePasswordEnabled : 'True'
Get-CMDistributionPoint | Select-Object ServerName, PxeSupport, PxePasswordEnabled

## Keep WIM up-to-date with the latest security updates
### Version : latest
Get-CMOperatingSystemImage | Select-Object PackageID, Name, Version, ImagePath

# Client Status
### ADRetrievingSchedule   : (depends on the AD)
### CleanUpInterval        : 31
### DDRInactiveInterval    : 7
### HWInactiveInterval     : 7
### NeedADLastLogonTime    : (optional)
### PolicyInactiveInterval : 7
### SettingsID             : 1
### StatusInactiveInterval : 7
### SWInactiveInterval     : 7


# Collect the Software Update Point Configuration
### Check SslState


# Require approval of computers from untrusted domains 
- Console Configuration Manager (SCCM) > Administration > Site configuration > Sites > "Hierarchy settings" in the "Settings" group.
# Only approved Console Extensions 
- Console Configuration Manager (SCCM) > Administration > Site configuration > Sites > "Hierarchy settings" in the "Settings" group > General > (check box Only allow console extension that are approved for the hierarchy)

# Signature & encryption
### PKI (HTTPS) & Signature enabled
- Console Configuration Manager (SCCM) > Administration > Site configuration > Sites > (Select main site) > Properties > Signature and encryption tab

Last updated